Seattle, WA -- July 26, 2007

Reading A Game of Thrones, which his girlfriend loaned to him. He and his girlfriend have different tastes, but they share their books and talk about them. He loaned her Don Quixote because her books involve swordplay and nights, and she’s into medieval settings, and Don Quixote has a satirical take on this setting. Recently he’s been reading the classics--Ulysses, by James Joyce; War and Peace, by Tolstoy; and Montaigne.

His favorite authors of all time, right now anyway—Don DeLillo and Thomas Pinchon.

If he were to write his own novel he’d take old stories by the Greeks and Hebrews and give them a new look, like the story of Penelope or one of the Old Testament women.

He was saying that his neighbor, who has a two-and-a-half year old and a five-month-old has remarked that it’s wonderful he has made time to read. But he says of course he does, that books are part of being human, that it’s telling stories that set us apart from other animals.

1 comment:

Megan said...

He was saying that his neighbor has remarked that it’s wonderful he has made time to read.

'Cause he ain't got no job.