Toledo, OH -- Bus Terminal -- August 11, 2007

Reading Money to Burn, by James Zagel. It's about a black man and a white woman who work in a bank and, after they get married, their coworkers are worried they're going to embezzle money. Recently he picked up Blackwater Transit, by Carsten Stroud, which he stopped reading after the second chapter because of the bad words.

His favorite book--the one he's reading. Or, maybe, Harry Potter. A friend just gave him the first one. He doesn't really read much and spends more time playing sports. ....actually he read a really great biography of coach Tony Dungy, the coach for the Indianapolis Colts and the first African American to win a Super Bowl.

His own book? It'd be about Andy Reid, the coach for the Philadelphia Eagles. He took over the Eagles in 1998 and they've been successful since then.

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