Boston, MA -- Harvard Square -- August 28, 2007

Reading Arthur Hailey’s вечерние новости (Vecheneya Novosti), or, in English, The Evening News, which he said was very good. I tried to speak Russian with him. I’ve lost a lot since living there in 2001-02. He was laid back, though, smoking a cigarette, and he humored me.

He likes Arthur Hailey, especially his second book, The Final Diagnosis, which is a behind the scenes look at a hospital.

What he likes about Cambridge--beautiful women. He lives about thirty minute walk from here. He moved here from Moscow ten years ago, and his whole family lives here.

He likes Tolstoy, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1965, and wrote The Silent Dawn.

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