Montpelier, VT -- August 30, 2007

At Capitol Roasters coffee shop

Reading In Search of Divine Reality, which he's reading for a class he’s teaching on the connection between spirituality and science. In this class they look at everything from quantum physics to the connection between metaphysical enigmatic concepts and Eastern mysticism, like Hinduism and Zen.

I told him how, in the center of our country, I spoke to a lot of people reading spiritual books, and asked him what his impressions were of this—how long have been people been attuned to reading spiritual books, is this a new trend or something that has been constant?

He explained that there’s been a shift in consciousness, that started with the post-modern era in the 1960s, an awakening that is stronger at the poles. There’s an intensity, everything is amplified, there have been revolutions and wars. This will continue until 2012 when the Mayan calendar begins again (see positing for Des Moines, Iowa—a man with his handmade calendar and links to Mayan culture). When 2012 comes, it all starts over at a different vibrational level. ….he pointed out that he was speaking from his own sensibilities.

The difference between the modern era and the post modern era? The modern era can be typified by Death of a Salesman--a man’s identity was based on how he provided for his family. Then came all the movements in the 60s.

His favorite book of all time--Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, by Jane Roberts. All words are channeled from an entity called Seth. This book coincided with, got him started realizing, that there’s another existence than the material one. It opened his own eyes, began his own awakening. He read it thirty years ago.

Recently he’s been reading stuff for his course. He does read fiction, but can’t remember titles. Once you get past a certain age, he said, you forget everything with a capital letter.

His book would be about the process of waking up, a completely different way of thinking.

In the sixties he here to ski. Vermont, he said, has its own mystique--talk about a bubble! And within Vermont, Montpelier is a bubble in and of itself. He’s from Connecticut. Vermont is the bluest of the blue states, he said. It’s so liberal…well close call is San Francisco. It’s a state that traditionally was extraordinarily conservative. It was the reddest of the redneck states, but things have changed.

Vermont has always been unique in that it was the first to house the underground railroad, the first to be against slavery.

Burlington, he said, is a place you shouldn’t miss. A college town. Church Street bricked over, no traffic, can’t even ride a bike there, shops and funky places, lots of jazz, like San Francisco but without a lot of the problems, lots of higher educational institutions…art, music, extraordinary restaurants, cafes. I refrained from telling him I only had 13 hours to spend in Vermont.

1 comment:

Chris Fenwick said...

So how will WE write it? How shall it read when we look back on December 21, 2012? We certainly have the elements in place to destroy ourselves. The planet has experienced cataclysmic events in its history - polar shifts, ice ages, etc. No one really knows. What the Mayan's meant with their End-Count calendar will always be up for speculation. It fires the imagination, for sure. SOooo let's write it like we want it. That is what Chris Fenwick did in the #1 Visionary Novel: "the 100th human." You choose...